a craftivity of my mind's thoughts
a synopsis of some special experiences
an aftermath of joys and struggles
and a piece of the world within me

the name is IVY
an unimportant fact

just take a look around
help yourself and enjoy :)

Silence is a scary sound

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last day of December 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011 || 6:56 PM

I just arrived from a crazy and traumatic bus ride from Naga (traveling has always been like that). It felt like I was on a roller coaster. I couldn't sleep soundly so I took a long nap when I arrived home.

I'm home alone right now but I'm not feeling that lonely. Maybe it's because I know that I have a lot to do to prepare me for school. In short, cramming took its stall on me even on the last day of the year. Just great.

While waiting for the bus to leave Naga, I took time to read my brother's gift. A memoir and a self-help book by Gretchen Rubin towards happiness. Honestly, it was a good book. I actually got some very helpful and practical points that could help me in life.

In one way or another, it felt like Rubin and I have the same problems and I'm happy that she had solutions for them. Now, I just feel very resolute and determined. Especially now that 2012 is coming, I knew that I had to "unclutter" and live healthy. That's the farthest I've read and I'm looking forward to be inspired more in the next days of discovering more ways to happiness.

Now, how to celebrate the New Year? Well, obviously I have to do it without my family and relatives. I'll have to think about it still. First, I have to fix my things to welcome 2012 as neat as I could. This could serve as one of my resolutions already, but I have to constant for this. Oh, that's another thing.